From US $141.32 billion in 2020 to US$ 307.01 billion in 2030, the biofuels industry is predicted to grow at an annual rate of 8.3% from 2021 to 2030. Biofuel is a type of fuel that is made from natural sources such as plants, organic materials, and animal waste. The biofuel sector is gaining pace as a viable alternative to petroleum-derived fuels in order to address major concerns about global warming caused by fossil fuels. The worldwide biofuels industry is growing due to rising demand for biofuel as an environmentally friendly fuel in road transportation. The benefits or advantages offered by biofuels, such as low environmental effect due to its clean and harmless nature, abundant availability, and mandates, are expected to move the global biofuel business forward in the near future, particularly in developing economies. Changing lifestyles and a growing focus on high-percentage biofuel blends are also moving the worldwide market forward.
Title : Revolutionizing bioplastics with yeast cell factories
Susan Newman, Integrated Lipid Biofuels, United States
Title : Energy transition and neo-industrialization in Brazil - Windows of opportunities
Suzana Borschiver, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brazil
Title : Human impact on natural environment and its implications
Dai Yeun Jeong, Asia Climate Change Education Center, Korea, Republic of
Title : Quality variation in market biofuels and the effect on tailpipe emissions
Nick Molden, Emissions Analytics, United Kingdom
Title : Combustion performances of advanced cooking stoves using woody and herbaceous pellets as fuel
Magnus Stahl, Karlstad University, Sweden
Title : Machine learning-enabled techno-economic and environmental analysis of succinic acid production from biodiesel byproduct glycerol
Diego Andres Ordonez, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil