Title: Revolutionizing bioplastics with yeast cell factories
Title: Energy transition and neo-industrialization in Brazil - Windows of opportunities
Title: Quality variation in market biofuels and the effect on tailpipe emissions
Title: Combustion performances of advanced cooking stoves using woody and herbaceous pellets as fuel
Title: Human impact on natural environment and its implications
Title: Green hydrogen: Driving sustainable aviation's future
Title: Multi bio-fuel complex – An intrinsic concept for adopting circular economy
Title: The influence of operational parameters on biological methanation in trickle-bed reactors
Title: Approach to carbon neutral electricity and heat in a bioethanol biorefinery
Title: Co-processing bio-oil in conventional refineries: A pathway to sustainable energy transition
Title: Fermentation of Opuntia ficus indica under different temperatures to increase methane production
Title: Synthesis and performance study of biomass derived supercapacitor electrode for energy storage
Title: Effect of charcoal addition on coke properties: A low-emission integrated steelmaking process
Title: Enhanced lipid production in Schizochytrium sp via synergistic chemical modulation
Title: Micro-algae biofuel: The Santa Elena province case study (Ecuador – South America)
Title: Investigating the tribology and anti-wear properties of diesel-vegetable oil blends
Title: Instability of Coalgae® pyrolysis oils and its stabilization