In recent years, the importance of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as an environmental decision-making tool has skyrocketed. The study of chemical engineering's environmental effects has grown in popularity, but it still needs a lot of refinement and growth before it can be used to evaluate industrial processes. The Lifecycle Emissions Model (LEM) estimates energy consumption, criterion air-pollutant emissions, and CO2-equivalent greenhouse-gas emissions from a variety of energy and material lifecycles using lifecycle analysis (LCA). A important method for evaluating the environmental implications of developing technology is life cycle assessment (LCA).
Title : Revolutionizing bioplastics with yeast cell factories
Susan Newman, Integrated Lipid Biofuels, United States
Title : Energy transition and neo-industrialization in Brazil - Windows of opportunities
Suzana Borschiver, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Brazil
Title : Human impact on natural environment and its implications
Dai Yeun Jeong, Asia Climate Change Education Center, Korea, Republic of
Title : Quality variation in market biofuels and the effect on tailpipe emissions
Nick Molden, Emissions Analytics, United Kingdom
Title : Combustion performances of advanced cooking stoves using woody and herbaceous pellets as fuel
Magnus Stahl, Karlstad University, Sweden
Title : Machine learning-enabled techno-economic and environmental analysis of succinic acid production from biodiesel byproduct glycerol
Diego Andres Ordonez, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil